The Water and Sewerage Authority (the Authority), advises that despite several challenges in recent times, including the planned maintenance shutdown by DESALCOTT, there is no water crisis in Central/South Trinidad as reported in a Guardian online article dated Sunday 18th December 2022.

Challenges to the areas mentioned in the article include the following:

  • Mechanical issues at south Oropouche booster station - 450 horse power unit replaced and returned to service on December 17th
  • Leaking 36” pipeline under highway of South Oropouche interchange - leak repaired and pipeline returned to service on December 17th

  • Areas impacted and projected supply dates:

  • Fyzabad - supply restored (extremity of system will receive a pipe borne supply tomorrow 19th December, 2022).
  • Degannes village - Area presently being monitored and should receive a pipe borne supply on Tuesday 20th December 2022.
  • Quarry village - Area presently being monitored and should receive by Wednesday 21st December 2022.
  • Murray Trace, Ramcharan, Tenant, Sukal and surrounding areas - to be supplied from Tuesday 20th December and surrounding areas on or before Thursday 22nd December 2022.

  • At every turn, the Authority has successfully addressed the challenges as they presented themselves and will continue to monitor the transmission and distribution systems. It must also be noted that three (3) contractors were engaged to provide a truck-borne service during the period of disruption, this was in addition to two (2) WASA tankers serving the affected areas.

    The Authority will continue working to become a modern and agile utility, responsive to our stakeholders and committed to improving our service delivery to all.

    Corporate Communications Department
    December 18, 2022