The Board of Commissioners Comprises:

CHAIRMAN: Ravindra Nanga
DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Alston Fournillier
• Joel Edwards
• Acherson Wells
• Celeste Jules
• Colin O. Bartholomew
• Allister S. Bandoo


The roles and responsibilities of the Committtees of the Board include:

Human Resources Committee
  • Monitor adherence to principles and guidelines respecting employee equity, ILO principles of management and labour relations, and a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Review and recommend to the Board: Human resources and compensation policies; management succession plans; policies and procedures relating to employee business conduct and ethical behaviour.
Tenders Committee
  • Guided by the Rules and Procedures for the Invitation and Consideration of Tenders for the Award of contracts for Articles, Works and Services for the Water and Sewerage Authority.
Finance Committee
  • Review budgets, monitor expenditure and review monthly management accounts.
  • Review and make recommendations on funding/borrowing mechanisms required to fund the Authority’s programmes.
Audit Committee
Assist the Board in monitoring and validating:
  • The financial report and other financial information provided by the Authority to any government body or the public
  • The Authority’s auditing, accounting and financial reporting processes generally
Operations Committee
Provide oversight on matters related to Operations including:
  • The production, transmission and distribution of potable water.
  • Monitoring the Authority’s water resources
  • Maintenance of the Water Treatment Plants, Booster Stations and Pipeline Network
  • Compliance with the Guaranteed Water Standards for quality control.
  • HSE Performance
Tariff Review Committee
The role of the Committee is to support the transformation of the Authority by ensuring that the Authority complete and submit an accepted Price Control Review Proposal/Business Plan for the upcoming Price Control Review Period (2022 – 2027).
Claims Review Committee
The role of the Committee is to review all major claims made against WASA.
New Services
The New Services Committee has been established to review current systems, processes and procedures within the New Services department and address any deficiencies or gaps.