Do You Know How Much Water You Use?

Many people do not realize the amount of water used in everyday activities. Knowing how much water is used will help you determine what is "normal" for your household and may show you ways to conserve.

Indoor Water Conservation Tips

You can save water indoors by following these conservation tips:

  • Never pour water down the drain when it can be put to another use such as watering a plant or general cleaning around the home.

Drinking Water

  • Keep bottles of drinking water in the refrigerator. Don't run tap waiting for cold water without collecting for other use. Make only the amount of coffee or tea you are going to drink. Use ice cubes to cool water. Recycle leftover drinking water.

Check for leaks

  • Inspect all pipes and taps. If you find any leaks, have them repaired as soon as possible.
  • Check for toilet tank leaks by adding food coloring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, color will appear in the toilet bowl within 30 minutes.
  • Repair dripping faucets by replacing faulty washers. If your faucet is dripping at a rate of one drop per second, you are wasting 10,000 litres per day.

The Shower

  • Take shorter showers. Replace your showerhead with an ultra-low-flow version. Some units are available that allow you to cut off the flow without adjusting the water temperature knobs.
  • Turn off water while soaping. See how light a spray you can wash with. Less than 5 minutes for a shower is adequate. Any longer comes under the heading of recreation.

The Utility/Washroom Sink

  • Operate automatic dishwashers and clothes washers only when they are fully loaded. Set the water to the size of the load you are using.
  • Hand wash. Soak clothing well with the smallest possible quantity of low sudsing detergent. Save rinse water for next wash. Just add soap. Pre-soak very dirty items overnight.
  • When you buy a new washing machine, select the one that uses the least water per pound of wash. Be sure to check energy consumption.

The Kitchen

  • Do not use running water to thaw meat or other frozen foods. Defrost food overnight in the refrigerator or use the defrost setting on your microwave.
  • Use a vegetable brush for fruits and vegetables.
  • Hand sprayers should be used sparingly with shorty bursts of water.
  • Handwash efficiently. Scrape leftovers from dishes with paper napkins. Rinse all at once. Soak pots and pans overnight if very dirty. Cut down on clean-up by serving more single dish meals.

The Washroom

  • Don't let water run while shaving or brushing your teeth.
  • Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Dispose of tissues, insets and other similar waste in the trash can and not the toilet.

Trinidad and Tobago has experienced a period of relatively rapid population growth, which has put a significant demand on the resources of the country. Inevitably resulting in an increase in the demand for water and wastewater services.

Additionally, industrialization, climate change and environmental degradation of our water resources have also significantly impacted on the availability of this precious resource. This reality is not limited to Trinidad and Tobago, but also includes the world's population, which is facing a 'water crisis'. The major aspects of this water crisis relate to the scarcity of usable water and water pollution.

Although water is a renewable resource, pollution, excessive extraction and destruction of our watersheds can lead to dire consequences. It has become necessary therefore to ensure the sustainability of our water resources for future generations and this means we must start conserving today and use our water wisely!