Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Loan TT-L1055

National Water Sector Transformation Program

The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) was approached by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago (GORTT) with the Ministry of Public Utilities (MPU) as the executing agency, to secure funding, in part, for the National Water Sector Transformation Program, which would serve to address the on-going problem of an inadequate supply of potable water to some areas.

The general objectives of the National Water Sector Transformation Program are to improve the efficiency, quality, sustainability and resilience of potable water supply service and water security in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T).

To achieve these objectives, it will be necessary to effectively upgrade and manage water production, transmission and distribution and reduce water losses; and utilize innovative technology, digital transformation and data driven management systems. Achieving these objectives will contribute to eliminating the need for Government support to meet operational expenditure and reduce reliance on desalinated water.