Water Pollution

What is Water Pollution? The term ‘water pollution’ generally refers to changes in water quality usually as a result of human activities. It is the contamination of any body of water with materials that are considered harmful to human health and to the environment. Sources of Water Pollution
  • Untreated sewage.
  • Surface run-off containing pesticides or fertilizers.
  • Surface run-off containing spilled petroleum.
  • Surface run-off containing silt.
  • Discharge of contaminated and or heated water from industries.
  • Excess nutrients added by run-off containing detergents.
  • Underground storage tank leakage, leading to soil contamination and eventually groundwater contamination.
Effects of Water Pollution
  • Spreads diseases.
  • Affects vital body organs.
  • Causes toxic build-up in the food chain.
  • Kills aquatic life.
  • Causes algal bloom.
  • Causes flooding.
  • Threatens sea birds.
  • Reduction of water quality & loss of use of water sources.
How can you help prevent Water Pollution
  • Dispose of wastes properly. Do not throw wastes into drains and rivers.
  • Do not use excess fertilizers.
  • Clear clogged drains. This will prevent flooding and the breeding of mosquitoes.

Examples of pollution in our waterways

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