The Water Pollution Rules 2001


What are the Water Pollution Rules? The Water Pollution Rules were enacted in March 2007 and was designed to protect the various freshwater systems. It prohibits any person/organization from releasing water pollutants that exceed the permissible level and, that may cause harm to human health and the environment, into a receiving water body. Who needs to apply? Any person/organization involved in any activity that releases a water pollutant into the environment must register as a Source and subsequently apply for a Permit to discharge into the environment. Exceptions include:
  • Releases from normal operation of motor vehicles used for transportation;
  • Releases from domestic households such as laundry, kitchen, shower etc.;
  • Discharges of sewage into sewerage facilities.
How it works. The Water Pollution Rules can be divided into two major steps:
  1. The Source Registration of the Facilities - The applicant submits a registration form to the EMA so as to be determine whether the applicant will be considered as a source of water pollutants and whether they need to be registered as a polluter. It serves to identify the sources of water pollutants and quantify the pollutants discharged into the environment.

  2. Application for Permit - If it is determined that a permit is required, the applicant must apply for a Permit.
Once all the necessary information is provided, the EMA issues a permit stipulating, among other things, the limitation on Pollution Levels, Monitoring Responsibilities, Compliance Responsibilities and Special Conditions. Water Pollution Rules and
the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA).
WASA facilities such as the Water Treatment Plants and the Wastewater Treatment Plants discharge effluents into the environment and as such we are required to apply for Source Registration of these facilities and where necessary, apply for Permits to discharge into the environment. To date, the Water and Sewerage Authority has identified 66 facilities that may require Source Registration and has submitted all 66 applications for these facilities.