• It is essential that you hire a Licensed Sanitary Constructor (Licensed Plumber) who will handle all your business with the Authority. The Constructor must first apply for approval to install a plumbing system on your premises.
  • Together with the Sanitary Constructor, an application form for connection to WASA's sewerage system must be filled out and subsequently submitted to the Authority with four (4) copies of the plumbing isometric drawings.
  • With the submission of the application and drawings, processing fees must be paid. The fees differ depending on the usage of the particular property and are priced as follows:
Residential: $150 + VAT
Multi-unit Residential: $150.00 + VAT per unit
Commercial: $200.00 + VAT/Floor
Industrial: $450.00 + VAT/Floor
Institutional: $500.00 + VAT/Floor
Swimming Pool/Residential: $500.00 + VAT
Swimming Pool/Commercial: $1000.00 + VAT
  • Approval of plans takes between seven to ten (7-10) working days, where first time submissions are satisfactory and in accordance with the National Plumbing Code of Trinidad and Tobago.
  • If the drawings are within code requirements, they will be issued to the Constructor, who then applies for inspection at the property.
  • If work is done according to the approved plans and code, then the Licensed Sanitary Constructor applies for a sewer connection and pays the appropriate fee as follows:
Residential: $1200.00
Commercial: $2500.00
Other: $1200.00 per unit
These fees are Not VAT-able.
  • Upon completion of the sewer connection and approval from the Plumbing Inspectorate , the Authority will issue a Completion Certificate.
  • N.B. These applications may require prior Developmental Approvals.
  • A list of Licensed Sanitary Constructors is available at the Plumbing Inspectorate, New Services Department

What must be done if the sanitary constructor has to be changed?

The Authority will recognize the building owners wish, once it is indicated, in writing, that the Licensed Sanitary Constructor has been changed.

Please note that the Authority does not get involved in resolving financial disputes between the owner and the Licensed Sanitary Constructor.

For further information please contact the:

Plumbing Inspectorate at the

New Services Department,
WASA Head Office,
Farm Road, St. Joseph.

Telephone: 662 2302/7
extension 3172/3107/3188