• The Contractor pays a non-refundable fee of $25.00 +VAT to WASA's Cashier.
  • Receipt must be brought to the Supplies Management Department,
    Head Office, Farm Road, St. Joseph.
    A clerk will copy and record the potential contractor information and a registration package is given to the contractor to be completed and returned.
  • On return of the registration package, a clerk will verify that all the relevant information is submitted.
  • If all information is submitted a clerk creates a file and a number is assigned and the information is entered on the Supplier Registration Data Base and an acknowledgement letter is sent to the contractor.
  • Acknowledgement letters are in two forms:
    1. Acknowledgement
    2. Acknowledgement with a 6 months hold for services/goods that are over subscribed
  • Site Visits are set up with a team of personnel, which includes individuals from Supplies Management Unit and from the User Department for that particular service.
  • After the site visit is conducted, the file is sent to the Certification Committee for approval and subsequent signatures.
  • After all signatures from the Certification Committee are acquired, it is sent to the Registration Committee for approval and signature.
  • If approved a memo is sent to the Finance Department- Account Payable Section for assignment of a vendor number.
  • If not approved, a letter is sent to the contractor stating non-approval.
  • After the assignment of a vendor number, an approval letter is sent to the contractor indicating the services /goods registered and their vendor number.
  • All the contractor information is now put on to our VBMS.